


Based Plays

Who We Are


 Arena Workshops

Dream masks

Arena have led many drama workshops, from intensive one day sessions to week long summer workshops.

Themes have ranged from Dreams and Nightmares, Soap Operas to the Magic of Shakespeare.

We can tailor-make a workshop to suit a variety of needs.
We have a pool of experienced workshop leaders who are CRB checked and have worked with all age ranges.

We have led workshops in partnership with the Children's University and Lubya.

Contact Bill or Brigitte on 01525 402020 for further details.

Arena Touring Theatre, c/o Library Theatre, Lake Street, Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire, England, LU7 8RX
01525 402020
email - post*arenatouringtheatre.org.uk
(Note: please replace the asterisk with an @ after post. We are tryng to cut down on spam).
Registered Charity no. 29810877 and a non profit distributing limited company no. 2168056.

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